

Monday, April 25, 2011


Hii guys!!

i have an idea that every week or twice a week it doesn't matter when, i post here about a special collecter!!HB, LE, ANTIDOTE, whatever it was!! so if you collect any thing write here your name and what you collect in comment or just tell me in my GB, and i will post a post here about you specail collection!!

so today i'm going to write about my friend ROZA she collect HB, take a look:

visit her:


SO what do you think of the idea??

what do you think of ROZA?

xoxo somey-1

1 comment:

joyaloverock said...

I am colecting the play&earn dolls so if anyone whants to sell them :) write in my gb on stardoll my name is joyaloverock