Soo this week's ANTM dress came out to day!If you want to get this dress you just need
P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E nothing else!So follow the steps!
1.Log out of Stardoll
2.Clear your history(If you don't know how
3.Put this proxy Port:80(worked for me)
Just be patient like I said before :D
4.Put this link to your browser:
5.Log in
6.Watch the whole video.
7.Close the proxy
I know a lot of you will come up against difficulties but we can help you!Just leave a comment and we will find you a solution!Also if you find a faster proxy we would really appreiciate it if you tell us :D
xxx mariaisabelfan
Ooh alomost forgot :D
If you don't believe me I have the dress and it's in my suite :P